Lisa Cupid, the Cobb County Police, the IACP, and :How The NWO Legally Appropriated $100k of Cobb Taxpayer Money
Part 1
The Incident
One month before the Leo Frank lynching centennial, Cobb County Commissioner Lisa Cupid, after apparently studying into the late night for her Georgia bar exam, left the Windgate hotel and was followed extremely closely and rapidly by a vehicle which Cupid described as sketchy looking and missing a head light. Cupid had seen this vehicle speed toward her car at the top of a hill. Cupid said the window tint was dark and she couldn’t see the driver. Fearing for her life and safety, commissioner Cupid called Cobb 911 and quickly drove to a well lit Quick Trip station, only to be told that her pursuer was none other than a CCPD officer working undercover. Cupid, a Black woman, became upset after experiencing the CCPD’s tactics first hand and became very vocal about the incident, writing a 7 page memorandum which was allegedly leaked to the press.
(Above; My friend, the historic, inclusive, Black, female, Cobb County Chairperson, Lisa Cupid. photo Cobb TV.)
Commissioner Joann Birrell
My representative, Joann Birrell, blamed Cupid for the incident( this sounded familiar).The Marietta Daily Journal printed a statement from Birrell, “In light of the unfortunate incident that happened in District 4 with a fellow commissioner and our police, it’s very disappointing when a fellow commissioner comes out with comments about our police force, and I would just like to personally thank the police and all of public safety and let them know that I’m behind them 100 percent for doing their job and for keeping all of Cobb safer. I appreciate the work you do for us day in and day out and throughout this entire county. Thank you and God bless you all.”
(Above; Corrupt District 3 Cobb Commissioner, and local police apologist, JoAnn Birrell poses with local law enforcement attack dog. That’s Mrs. Birrell on the right. photo Cobb TV)
Validation & My Friend, Marietta Land Baron, Phil Goldstein
(7/24/2015) I took Commissioner Cupid’s public outcry as a personal triumph. No, I wasn’t crazy. Being validated by a member of Cobb County’s own government felt great. I sent off a quick e-mail to my condescending friend, my story- doubting barbershop landlord, client, and Marietta city counsel member, Phil Goldstein… Phil had earlier accused me of touting a ‘conspiracy theory’ about my police incident at the park.
(Above: Cobb Justice Machine graduate, ex-Marietta City Councilman, and condescending douche, my friend, Mr. Phil Goldstein. Phil had accused me of touting a conspiracy theory long before I’d ever heard of the Sabbatian-Frankists. From a barbering POV, Phil has a great head of hair…easy to cut. From a victim POV, Phil has many close contacts in Cobb County government that go back decades.)
Mrs. Lisa Cupid is quite vocal about her experience with the local police. It would appear my conspiracy theory is becoming less conspiracy, and more theory.
Good day to you, sir.
Chairman Tim Lee
After Cupid’s well-publicized incident, ham fisted Chairman Tim Lee came running to defend the honor of the wounded CCPD. With the other commissioners working in tandem, aligning against Cupid and echoing Lee’s “nothing wrong, nothing to see here,”public stance. Lee and Cupid would publicly have it out.Lee and company painting Cupid as a renegade, a law enforcement hater with an agenda. The rest of the board feigning any knowledge of the CCPD’s reputation for corruption, brutality, or its many decades old acronyms.
(Above; Controversial Cobb Chair, Tim Lee supports law enforcement. )
Commissioner Bob Weatherford
“I don’t call it profiling. I call it good police work,” said commissioner Weatherford of Cupid’s incident. “The officer followed to see if someone had stolen the car or someone was doing something wrong. Got close enough to run her tag and then dropped back… They are indeed the envy of all law enforcement agencies(the CCPD)” quipped an uncomfortable-looking Bob Weatherford as he squirmed in his seat.
(Above; Corrupt ex-police chief, and phoney hero, Bob Weatherford is sworn in by super-progressive, Zionist ,Cobb County, Chief Superior Court Judge, Stephen Schuster, 12/17/14. The Honorable Stephen Schuster also supports the false theory that ‘Leo Frank was an innocent victim of antisemitism.’
“Anti-Semitism is absolutely not the reason for this libel against me. It isn’t the source nor the result of this sad story.”-Leo Frank.
So who are you going to believe, Leo Frank himself, or the current ADL sponsored, Zionist Chief Justices ? Mr. Weatherford will factor back into the story later when serial child molester(513 sex abuse charges), Ron Gorman, is protected by ‘the network’ Below; Ron Gorman. )
I Meet The Future New Boss Lady
In response to the blowback, commissioner Cupid had asked folks with similar CCPD horror stories to contact her office. I called and arrangements were made through Cupid’s secretary, political operative, Bianca, to meet up at a community center in Cupid’s district. This is where I met the future (and the historic, first, Black, female) Cobb County Chairwoman, Mrs. Lisa Cupid… (although only a commissioner at the time)
We met in public, but spoke privately. It was simply unstated that we lived in a police state where nobody was safe from eyes of the government. Lisa Cupid was affable, attractive, bright, and capable. I glanced around the clean and spacious facility while Commissioner Cupid read my synopsis, then watched the dash cam video on my laptop. I was a complete mess, nervous and still suffering from PTSD. I hadn’t left the house alone in weeks. Commissioner Lisa Cupid appeared upset and maybe a little shaken by what she saw. She mentioned that the video falls flat without my written pre synopsis of events, and I agreed.
When I mentioned the audio issues, Mrs. Lisa Cupid told me she had seen worse. Then Mrs. Cupid advised me I need an attorney. Laughing, I asked if she knew one because I’d been searching for months. The future, historic, Cobb County Chairperson, Lisa Cupid, said she did not. I left a copy of my park synopsis and drove home weary, thinking hopefully I may help some person in the future avoid going through what I was going through.
To be continued…
Trust Issues & the IACP scam
((Above; Creepy, Orwellian, NWO tool, The International Association of World Communist Police spokesperson gives Cobb County citizens the terrible news. Their police department is a disaster. The results of the IACP’s long awaited $100,000 report. photo Cobb TV.)
Stay tuned…
WARNING! A great sense of humor is ABSOLUTELY mandatory.
DISCLAIMER: I’m neither racist, homophobic, anti- Semitic, or whatever else you’ve got. I’m merely a writer/comedian/observer with a dark, irreverent, politically incorrect sense of humor. If this isn’t your type of humor, please kindly leave and respect my freedom of speech (and the sacred American rights of amateur comedians).
BACKGROUND: The Oldest Story In The World
My story is a tired Hollywood cliche... an innocent man is mistaken for a guitar playing park pedophile, police terrorize man, man develops PTSD, the system covers for the police, man sues the police, man begins documentary film, man is harrassed,man drops case and flees across the country with his family, orange vapor shoots light into man, man sees clearly, man writes best-selling book and lives happily ever after. We’ve all heard the plot before. I’m finishing up that best-selling book now.
THE COBB WAY is a novel. A dark, fictional account of my adventures living in Cobb County, Georgia. Another title might be, What Happens When A Citizen Is Maliciously Traumatized By Law Enforcement And Jumps Down The Murky And Dangerous Rabbit Hole Of Dealing With Police Misconduct In The State Of Georgia? The last title being a little lengthy. This site is a smattering of book excerpts, thoughts, opinions, essays, and rants.
THE COBB WAY SENTINEL is a newsletter. A blog which follows the local news, politics, history, culture war, with additional thoughts and commentary by a politically incorrect, former Cobb County insider.
Enjoy both separately or together.